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BloodyMary is a stripped down version of Tempura. It is a one-directional MVVM inspired framework that helps you write clean code and seperate the responsabilities properly.


  • [ ] Custom Navigation System
  • [ ] Integrate Combine

1. Requirements and Compatibility

Swift SwiftKnife iOS
5.1+ 1.x 10+

2. Installation


Add the following line to your Podfile pod 'BloodyMary' ~> '1.0.1'

3. Documentation

BloodyMary is fully documented. Checkout the documentation here.

4. Code Example

struct RemindersListViewModel: BMViewModel {
  var reminders: [Models.Reminders]

  func shouReloadData(oldModel model: RemindersListViewModel) -> Bool {
    model.reminders.count != self.reminders.count

class RemindersListView: BMViewWithViewControllerAndViewModel {

  func update(oldModel: RemindersListViewModel?) {
    guard let model = self.viewModel else { return }
    if model.shouReloadData(oldModel: oldModel) {


class RemindersListViewController: BMViewController {
  func setupInteractions() {
    self.rootView.didTapDeleteButton = { [weak self] index in
      guard let self = self, let model = self.viewModel else { return }
      let newReminders = model.reminders.remove(at: index)
      let newViewModel = RemindersListViewModel(reminders: newReminders)
      self.update(to: newViewModel)

5. Contribution

Working on your first Pull Request? You can learn how from this free series How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub

Generate the project

To generate this project locally, you need xcodegen. It is a great tool to customize a project and generate it on the go.

You can either install it manually following their steps, or just run my script. It automatically installs Homebrew if it is missing, installs xcodegen, removes existing (if present) .xcodeproj, run xcodegen and moves configuratiom files to their appropriate place.