
public protocol BMViewWithViewModel : BMView

A BMViewWithViewModel takes the BMView and UIView a step further by introducing a view model. The view model is an object containing a set of properties reflecting the state of the view. A view model makes it easier to mock a view by passing the state from the outside and therefore test it in any desired state.


struct ProfileViewModel: BMViewModel {
  let name: String
  let age: Int

  var isAdult: Bool {
    age > 18

  var badgeColor: UIColor {
    isAdult ? .green : .red
class ProfileView: BMViewWithViewModel {
  let badge = UIView()
  let nameLabel = UILabel()

  func configure() {

  func style() {
    // style the elements

  func update(oldViewModel: ProfileViewModel?) {
    self.badge.backgroundColor = self.viewModel?.badgeColor
    self.nameLabel.text = self.viewModel?.name

  func layout() {
    // layout the subviews

By conformimng to BMViewWithViewModel in this previous example, we notice we do not explicetely need to specify the viewModel since it is infered by swift through the update(oldViewModel: VM?) method.

By altering the view model, different states of the view can be tested in a fast efficient way.

  • VM

    The type of the ViewModel associated with the view.



    associatedtype VM : BMViewModel
  • viewModel Default implementation

    The ViewModel of the view. Once set, update(oldViewModel: VM?) is called by leveraging an Objective-C runtime called Associated Types. There is no need to explicitly set this value. By calling update with the proper VM value, the type of the viewModel is inferred thanks to Swift.

    Default Implementation

    The ViewModel of the View. Once changed, the update(oldViewModel: VM?) will be called. The model variable is automatically created when conforming to the ViewWithModel protocol. Swift is inferring the Type through the oldModel parameter of the update(oldModel: BMViewModel?) method



    var viewModel: VM? { get set }
  • A function called everytime the viewModel is set. The “old” viewModel is passed so a diffs based reasoning can be made.



    func update(oldViewModel: VM?)
  • update() Extension method

    Will throw a fatalError. Use update(oldMdel:) instead.



    func update()